Products: adaptive optics - deformable mirror AT24.
Deformable mirrors Control Units  

Adaptive optics: deformable mirrors

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AT 24
(AT241, AT242)

Cooled deformable mirror

The Mirrors intended for use in laser optical systems. It can be used as a detail of any part of optical path of the system including laser resonator. AT241 version can be used also as a part of a laser vacuum envelope. Mirrors with several control channels can be produced optionally.

The Mirrors can reflect CW laser radiation with powers up to 10 kW and power density up to 0.5 kW/cm2.

The Mirrors have usually plane initial surface shape and under applying control voltage become concave of convex with controllable curvature. Applications of the Mirrors are based on its property to change focus point rapidly.

Areas of application include industrial laser systems for cutting, drilling, welding, surface treatment etc.

Some examples of applications:

Outside laser resonator:

  • Focus point adjusting and movement during drilling - reduces processing duration in 3-5 times.
  • Rapid adjusting of focal point position for processed material of different technology properties and thickness.
  • "Sew" mode cutting for increasing processed material thickness and improving of quality of cutting edge surfaces.
  • Compensation of focal spot size variations over large processing zone.
  • Laser beam focusing at a distant target.

Inside laser resonator:

  • Generating mode structure controlling and improvement and M2-value increasing of output beam.
  • Power and/or quality factor modulation for expanding of technology possibilities of a laser system, e.g. for cutting of fragile materials.

AT24 mirror

Mirror AT24 appearance

AT241/7 mirror

7-channel AT241/7 back side view


The dimensional drawing of the mirror
Get ACAD outline drawing:
AT24 AT242




Item AT24 AT241 AT242
Technical Data
Light aperture, mm, no less:
- reflecting part
- cooled part
- controled part

42 or 50


Reflectivity at wavelength 10.6 micron and and angle of incidence 00, %, no less 98.5 98.5 98.5
Control channel quantity 1 1 1
Specified initial surface shape plane plane plane
Maximum deformation, micron, no less
it corresponds curvature range, 1/m
Tolerated local departure of real initial shape from specified, interference fringes at =0.63 micron, no more 0.5 0.5 0.5
Operating control voltage range, V -200...+300 -200..+300 -200..+300
Capacitance, F, no more 0.3 0.7 0.7
Resonance frequency, kHz, no less 5 5 5
Hysteresis, %, no more 20 15 15
Initial shape/temperature dependence, /oC, no more 0.03 0.03 0.03
Cooling liquid nominal pressure, bar 2 2 2
Cooling liquid flow rate, 1/min 1.0 1.0 1.0
Overall Dimensions, mm 70x35 70x35 70x47
Weight, kg, no more 0.32 0.35 0.47
Operational limits
Maximum approved limit of incident laser power, kW 10 10 10
Maximum approved laser power density load, kW/cm2 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum approved control voltage coinciding polarization direction (tested), V 320 320 320
Maximum approved control voltage reversed polarization direction (tested), V 200 200 200
Maximum coolant pressure (tested), bar 6 6 6
Lifetime parameters
Cycling lifetime, cycles of full range deformation, no less 109 109 109
Maintainability Restricted
Deformation axe stability, minutes of arc, no worse 1 1 1
Technical data reproducibility for samples, %, no worse 10 10 10
Sensitivity reducing per year, %, no more 10 10 10

Note. Others initial surface shape and control channel quantity can be produced under the customer demand.

Application notes.

  1. To prevent air bubble formation in the mirror cooling system the inlet coolant coupling must be located lower then outlet one.
  2. To prevent clogging of the mirror cooling system and hence untimely failure it is recommended to apply double-loop cooling system or system with effective coolant filtering.
  3. Using a spherical mirror in an optical path one has to take into consideration a revealed astigmatism. The value of astigmatism depends on an angle of incidence and usually becomes valid under angles of incidence more 30o. It is recommended to use mirror assembly AT41 for to avoid this trouble under angle of incidence of 45o.
  Mirror AT241  

Mirror AT241

  Mirror AT241 installed at Laser Cutting Machine  

Mirror AT241 installed at Laser Cutting Machine

  Samples of cut surface quality  

Samples of cut surface quality with use of the deformable mirror.
From left to right: stainless steel thickness of 4 and 12 mm, aluminium and polished stainless steel 3 mm, carbonised steel 3 and 10 mm


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