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The ultrasonic microprocessor device for measurement of a level of the liquefied gas.

The device LEVEL-3G is intended for measurement of a level of the liquefied gas without direct contact to environment in aboveground stationary and mobile tanks, volume up to 100 m3.

The device is allowed for measurement in explosive zones of rooms and outside installations.

The level and kind of explosion protection 2ЕxsicIIAT4X. Device can be delivered both in individual, and in stationary execution.

The device has two executions: the device of individual usage and Level-3G and stationary device Level-3G-X. At stationary execution of devices their association in a uniform network with a conclusion of the information on PC through the interface RS-485 (RS-232) is possible.

The device of individual usage "LEVEL-3G"

  • Is delivered in complete factory readiness and does not demand test and package.
  • On stability to climatic influences corresponds for work at temperature from -5° C up to +50° C.

Level-3G device

Appearance of the device

The dimensional drawing

The dimensional drawing



Range измеряемого of a level of the liquefied gas, mm from 50 up to 3000
Error of measurement of a level, mm ±10
The maximal thickness of a wall of the tank, mm 20
Indicator digital, liquid crystal
Feed: nikel-cadmium accumulators 2,4 V, pieces 1
Time of continuous work from power supplies, hour not less 3
Overall dimensions, mm (width, height, depth) 92 х 170 х 40
Ultrasonic gauge cable length, mm 850
Weight with power supplies, kg no more 0,5

The device and principle of work of the device.

Structurally device is executed in the shock-resistant plastic case. On the obverse panel of the case there is a liquid crystal digital indicator for display of the indications, button of inclusion of the device and button of correction.

In the top lateral part of the case there is a conclusion cable of the ultrasonic gauge. Inside cases the electronic block, and also nikel-cadmium power supplies is located.

The design of the device allows to carry out сharging of accumulators which are taking place directly in the case of the device. For this purpose on the lateral panel of the device the special socket for connection of a DC voltage is stipulated. During the charging of the accumulators the green indicator shines. The source of a DC should provide:

Uout= +10...+15 V, Iout=0,5 A,
with a conclusion of positive polarity on an external electrode.

It is forbidden to carry out charging of a power unit of the device in explosive zones.

The ultrasonic gauge is executed in the metal case and is equipped with magnetic unit of fastening to the tank.

The principle of work of the device is based on measurement of temporary delays between signals of ultrasonic pulses generated and accepted by the piezoelectric gauge.

The measurement of a level of the liquefied gas with the help of the device a Level-3G.


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