SEA LYNX - night vision television system, which was specially designed for operation, both on sea and river ships.
SEA LYNX essentially facilitates supervision in night time behind conditions around of a ship, on which it is established and by that to increase safety driving of ship in night conditions, is especial at passage of a ship in bottlenecks and near to coast.
The basic task of system SEA LYNX - to help the navigators in night time to avoid dangerous collisions of a ship with extraneous objects on a surface of water, which can meet at the rate of a ship and to become the reason of damage or even destructions.
With the help of system SEA LYNX can be found out and the objects of the small sizes are identified which sometimes cannot be seen on the locator screen, such as small stones acting above water, small woods and floating pieces of ice, small boats made from fiber glass or other materials, and also rescue boats or people which are taking place in water.
SEA LYNX can with success be maintained:
- On high-speed ships;
- On ships which are not concerning to high-speed;
- By the boundary ships;
- On search and rescue ships;
- For the control of water areas of sea and river ports;
- Not only on the river and sea, but also on land.
The basic information.
SEA LYNX is a system containing four basic devices:
- The electron-optical block,
- The rotary device,
- The control board
- And television monitor.
The electron-optical block of the device SEA LYNX on the rotary device
The control board and monitor
Appearance of the control panel
The electron-optical block is a basic part of system.
It creates the image of the subjects, very poorly covered in the night which are taking place in a field of sight of system, repeatedly strengthens brightness of the received image and in the form of a television signal passes the received image to the television monitor.
The electron-optical block works in a range of lengths of waves from 400 nm up to 950 nm.
The rotary device carries out rotation established and fixed on him of the electron-optical block around of two axes - vertical horizontal.
The electron-optical block and rotary device are established outside of a ship, so that the optical axis of system was parallel a diametrical plane of a ship.
The control board is intended for management of system SEA LYNX from a workplace of the navigator.
The television monitor reproduces black-and-white or other monochrome image created by the electron-optical block.
Distinctive features SEA LYNX:
- Three modes of operations of system: passive, active and active - pulse.
- Opportunity to continue job in conditions of complete absence of natural night light exposure is provided with an active mode.
- The opportunity to continue job at presence of a fog, snow or rain, is provided with an active - pulse mode.
- Definition of distances up to observable object.
- Does not create handicapes for other systems.
- High noise safety.
- Automatic protection against blinding by casual flares of light.
- Glass cleaner and water-washer presence.
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