- Adaptive bimorph mirrors and optical modules.
- Andrey G. Safronov, Boris S. Vinevitch, Valeriy M. Zharikov Controllable curvature mirrors for laser techniques.
- V. D. Popov, S. Yu. Soukhorossov. Application of deformable mirrors in laser material processing systems.
- Leonid N. Evdokimovich, Peer Helms, Andrey G. Safronov, Bernd Tobke, Boris S. Vinevitch. Experimental applications of adaptive optics in industrial lasers.
- G. Rabczuk, M. Sawczak (The Szewalski Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences) Control of a high-power cw CO2 laser output beam properties by using an adaptive intracavity mirror (PDF, 282K)
- M. Sawczak, G. Rabczuk, W. Warszawski (The Szewalski Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences) Curvature sensor for a laser beam wavefront control (PDF, 566K)
- News archive.