TURN Ltd. is a private Russian developer, manufacturer, and worldwide exporter of night optics, electronic optical devices, adaptive optics, components and accessories, products, modern equipment and technologies since 1991. We are proud supplier of different private and governmental customers.
Our first Products - I and II generation night vision devices - was presented at Milipol'92 in Moscow, Russia.
In 1993 we developed and tested special laser optical night vision locators for night navigation and started original project on adaptive mirrors development.
Since 1994 our Products meets a great demand at Russian north regions (special devices for navigation and driving at polar night, fog, snow-storms, etc.), in Great Britain, USA, Germany, Italy and other countries.
Among companies offering a full range of night vision products that runs from ordinary pocket night vision scopes to complex laser systems TURN Ltd. is distinguished by special orientation on marine applications. We have several laboratories for testing and designing of laser, adaptive, and night vision devices, and high professional scientists, engineers, and managers in our staff. Our powerful research and Products divisions provide us with the best innovative products and technologies, and our marketing division helps us to satisfy our customers with associated equipment, parts and components, accessories, and technologies.
TURN Ltd. is one of a few firms in the Optical and Laser Community who offer a novel, most advanced and promising high-technology product - technique providing a real-time control over the wavefront of optical radiation using adaptive mirrors and control electronics.
Our products are known in over 40 countries worldwide. Our knowledge of markets and a high reputation help us to assist our partners in their search for specific equipment, devices, and materials, as well as in promotion of their services, products, and technologies.
Closed Adaptive Optics loop has realized that includes Hartmann wavefront sensor, PC, 7-channel control unit AT38 and conventional mirror AT26/19, wavefront measuring and controlling Software based at the MatLab program package. The Adaptive Optics system (AOS) now is under test.

Mirror AT241 installed at Laser Cutting Machine moves focal point at 30mm.

Turn ltd. have made installation of stationary ultrasonic system for measurement of a liquefied gas level on the Zvenigorod gas storage station under Moscow.
